Not many things are as cool to watch as two cranes move a hundred-year-old bridge.
Moving bridges, big machinery, and making changes to local infrastructure are all happening right now in Noblesville INdiana, on Pleasant street, and the WIR team is there to capture it.
Reimagining Pleasant Street Project
The recent Reimagine Pleasant Street project in Noblesville, IN, has brought attention to local infrastructure and the companies involved.
“The Reimagine Pleasant Street project is a multi-year initiative to improve east-west connectivity and accessibility for our growing City of Noblesville. The roadway design will provide Noblesville residents, local businesses, and key stakeholders with many improvements to enhance mobility and public safety while honoring the project area’s urban character and historical features. Key stakeholders include the City of Noblesville and Hamilton County.”
As a proponent of growing the state’s infrastructure and simultaneously encouraging young people to pursue a career in construction, WIR knew that this was a promising partnership for both parties.
What WIR is Working Towards
The Work IN Roads campaign aims to unite industry partners in a cooperative effort to inform the public, students, teachers, and parents about road-building career options.
By raising awareness and putting students in touch with companies, we promote the pipeline by paving the way for better travel, employment opportunities, and living conditions.
Through the Civil Construction Pathway, a school program to introduce the concepts of civil construction, WIR aims to better educate school-age individuals on how rewarding a career in civil construction can be.
The Reimagine Pleasant street project is a golden opportunity to share with the public the fantastic work being done for their benefit. As well as it is a place where students and teachers can experience what working in civil construction is like firsthand.
Next Level Class Rooms
One of the primary benefits of the partnership between WIR and Reimagine Pleasant street is the ability to use the jobsite as a live classroom.
Over the coming years, the Pleasant Street jobsite will be utilized as a classroom for students and teachers involved in the Civil Construction Pathway.
Access to this highly active jobsite will give unparalleled insight into real-world construction projects. We are helping expose young people to the industry and showing them that civil construction is a well-paid and exciting career.
The Future of WIR and Reimagine Pleasant Street
The relationship between WIR and Pleasant Street will grow as the job progresses.
Teachers and students from all over the state will come to recognize the Pleasant Street job site as a place that helped to lay the foundation for their civil construction knowledge.
As Work IN Roads continues to push the CCP as a viable way to combat workforce development, Reimagine Pleasant Street and the companies that work on it will be stewards for the next generation of civil construction workers.