Why Road Construction?
Road construction – also known as highway construction – includes highway, heavy and utility construction. The workers you see on the side of the road are just the tip of the iceberg as far as the types of jobs in this industry, and Work IN Roads hopes to educate and connect individuals to all of the opportunities available.
Help your Child Succeed with a Career in Construction
Jobs in construction represent a broad range of skills and education levels, and the need goes beyond those who are passionate about working with their hands. There’s also a need for number crunchers, analytical thinkers, and natural leaders. These jobs are in high demand, and have quite the payoff! Sometimes your child may need a push in the right direction. If your son or daughter is struggling to pick a path for their future, consider a career in construction.
$4.7 billion dollars
Gov. Eric Holcomb launched a five-year $4.7 billion road maintenance and construction plan in 2017, ensuring the demand and sustainability of these careers.
$27,000 less average debt
According to Career School Now, the average undergraduate degree costs around $150,000 with more than 70% of students burdened with more than $37,000 of loan debt. Trade schools have an average cost of $33,000 and most students carry $10,000 of loan debt.
$8.2 billion in wages
Construction wages and salaries in 2017 totaled $436 billion in the United States, including $8.2 billion in Indiana.
Discussion Guide – How to Start a Career in Construction
We understand that deciding “what comes next” after high school is a big step. We’ve created this discussion guide to help you and your child start the conversation and learn more about the many exciting opportunities in road construction.
Pave the Way to a Career in Construction
There are many diverse and rewarding careers available in the road construction industry–and not all involve working with your hands. Explore the options below to see where the path might lead.
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