Each year, the American Council of Engineering Companies of Indiana (ACEC Indiana) coordinates a National Engineers Week student outreach effort during February. Engineer volunteers make presentations at elementary, middle and high schools encouraging students to consider a career in engineering or related fields. Professionals share real-world experiences and expose students to the creative, team-oriented, problem-solving aspects of engineering.
ACEC Indiana members partner with public agencies including Citizens Energy Group, Indiana Department of Transportation, Indianapolis Department of Public Works and city and county engineers to share both public sector and private side insights. In 2022, ACEC Indiana organized 75 classroom presentations at 22 different Indiana schools.
Volunteers are excited to share career experiences with students and answer student questions students about their motivation to choose a career in engineering, what a typical engineer day looks like and how it impacts the world we live in.
February 2023 EWeek signups go live in October 2022. If your school is interested in participating during National Engineers Week in 2023, please reach out to ACEC Indiana Director of Member Engagement Shelby Dunn to learn more.